Rosa 'Biffis'
Jag glömde att visa min bonuspåse! En gratis fröpåse med frö som jag fick med från Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds tomatfrö leverans i förra veckan. En riktig biffis som kan bli riktigt stor vid gynnsamma förhållanden. Måste testas.
Den heter Henderson's Pink Ponderosa. Lycopersicon esculentum
-87 days. Huge size, some over 2 lbs., a meaty pink-red beefsteak introduced by Peter Henderson & Co. in 1891, and the most famous of their varieties. In 1903 their catalog said “Quality Beyond Praise, Rich and meaty-sliced. Thick and delicious canned.” Still popular with gardeners." står det om den i deras katalog. BCHS
-87 days. Huge size, some over 2 lbs., a meaty pink-red beefsteak introduced by Peter Henderson & Co. in 1891, and the most famous of their varieties. In 1903 their catalog said “Quality Beyond Praise, Rich and meaty-sliced. Thick and delicious canned.” Still popular with gardeners." står det om den i deras katalog. BCHS
Detta får mej osökt att tänka på Bröderna Cartwright :-)